Walter Stoye founded the company that bears his name in Liepzig in 1925. The primary focus was sidecars, but the company did also produce trailers and even custom motorcycles. The first sidecars were well made and luxurious. They featured suspension and were trimmed with leather and chrome. Along with these, Stoye produced motorcycle utility trailers and commercial sidecars. These proved popular with small vendors and tradesmen.
Following the war, Stoye found itself in the East German sector, and became the choice of sidecar for EMW and MZ. They became known for their distinctive and stylish nose, which tapered to a vertical point. The company was nationalized in the early 1970s, and continued to produce new and classic sidecars for decades and are still in business today. You can find Stoye sidecars on many vintage german motorcycles and on machines from British to American.